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Improve academic performance

Improve Academic Performance


Improving academic performance is a multifaceted goal that involves enhancing various skills and habits, such as time management, effective study techniques, and active participation in class. By focusing on these areas, students can achieve better grades, retain information more efficiently, and develop a deeper understanding of their subjects. This, in turn, can open up more opportunities for higher education and career prospects.


  1. Khan Academy - Offers free online courses, lessons, and practice in various subjects to help students understand and master academic concepts.
  2. Coursera - Provides access to courses from top universities and organizations, which can supplement school learning.
  3. Quizlet - A tool that helps students learn using flashcards, games, and practice tests.
  4. Pomodoro Timer - An online tool to help students manage their study time effectively using the Pomodoro Technique.
  5. Purdue OWL - Offers writing resources and instructional material to help improve academic writing skills.

Example SMART Goals

  1. Raise my mathematics grade from a B to an A by attending weekly tutoring sessions and completing all assigned practice problems by the end of the semester.
  2. Improve my essay writing skills by writing one practice essay each week and receiving feedback from my teacher, aiming to achieve at least an 85% on my next major essay assignment.
  3. Increase my reading comprehension score by 20% on standardized tests by reading one academic article per week and summarizing the main points, within the next three months.
  4. Complete all homework assignments on time by setting aside two hours each evening dedicated solely to homework and study, aiming for zero missed assignments over the next grading period.
  5. Enhance my participation in class by asking at least one question or contributing one thought during each lecture, with the goal of improving my class participation grade by the end of the quarter.

Example Habits

  1. Review class notes for 15 minutes every evening to reinforce the day's learning and identify any areas of confusion.
  2. Utilize a planner to organize deadlines, tests, and study sessions to ensure all academic responsibilities are managed effectively.
  3. Form a study group that meets once a week to discuss and review course material, providing mutual support and accountability.
  4. Take regular breaks during study sessions to prevent burnout and maintain focus, using techniques like the Pomodoro Technique.
  5. Practice mindfulness or meditation for 10 minutes each day to reduce stress and improve concentration and mental clarity.

Note this information is not a substitute for a professional advice and varies from person to person.